Project Review: A Complete Remodel for Ms. Minnie

One of The Restoration Team's proudest accomplishments this past year was Minnie's home. Ms. Minnie and her son lived in their flooded home for two years after Harvey and were forced to collect water across the street in a five-gallon bucket to wash dishes.

With the help of our wonderful supporters and over 2,000 volunteer hours, we were able to completely gut the home and remediate for mold, put on a new roof, upgrade all electric and plumbing, install insulation, sheetrock, flooring, and replace the bathroom and kitchen.

Thank you to all of the TRT friends and family that made this transformation possible! Home repair projects like this don't just happen, we rely on the incredible generosity of people like you! Your support could be the answer to the prayers of families all over Houston. Families like Ms. Minnie here.

You could be the difference!

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