Masks For All

What is Masks for All?

The Need: To reopen public spaces in our communities, while limiting transmission of the COVID-19 virus, wearing face masks will be strongly recommended, if not required. Government leaders have asked Houston Responds to help provide personal use face masks to help ensure there are MASKS FOR ALL as we transition out of quarantine, especially for those in under-resourced areas.

The Goal: 1,000 congregations providing over 1,000,000 masks. How? 500 to 1,000 congregations mobilizing to create 100 to 200 masks (sewn or un-sewn) per week. The love, service, and generosity of local congregations will ensure over 1,000,000 people in Greater Houston will have potentially life-saving reusable masks.

Are You Willing & Able?: Whether you are already engaged in making masks, would your congregation or organization be willing and able to participate with us and our local coalitions?

Ways to Participate

Below are the ways you can help. ​For details about the processes and responsibilities involved with the various opportunities please see guides provided in the Resource section below. Financial contributions to support the purchase of supplies and materials can be made online. Please designate your donation for "Masks For All".

    • Donate Funds

    • Donate Masks, Supplies or Materials

    • Produce Masks

         Sewn & No-Sew Methods Available

    • Serve as a Mask Drop-off Site 

        Collecting & Delivering to a Distribution Site

    • Serve as a Mask Distribution Site

         Receiving & Distributing to Recipients


Next Steps

    1. Appoint a Contact Person

    2. Sign Up with the Online Response Form

    3. You Will be Contacted for Coordination

    4. Get Info from the Resources and FAQs

    5. Use the Promo Tools to Engage Others

To get started, sign up using using the link below. Once you have completed the form, return to this page to access the resource guides with recommended instructions for the various aspects of participation and promotional materials you can use to with your congregation or organization.

Trevor Barnett