The Restoration Team

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Angela & Craig's Home

Angela and Craig’s home was The Restoration Team’s 241st home repair project completed in December 2019. This was a major rebuild, with repairs from the top to bottom.

Hurricane Harvey sent three feet of water throughout the home and a tree fell on the back portion. With no flood insurance, and just a $6,000 payout from FEMA, the family was left with few options. With Craig working by our side every day, we were able to demo to the bare studs, remediate the existing mold, hang all new insulation and drywall, upgrade the electric and plumbing, replace the roof and stabilize the foundation, replace and paint the exterior siding, lay all new floors and trim, paint, and install cabinets and fixtures. Altogether, the total cost of this repair was $29,750.

After Craig worked with us to repair his own house, he used the new skills he learned to lay floors at a neighbor’s home that we also repaired.

92 volunteers put in 1,879 hours of love and hard work into this home. Angela, Craig, and their four children now have a safe, dry place to sleep at night because of our incredible supporters.