Welcome Home Nancy!

The Restoration Team finished Nancy’s home in January 2021, our 282nd repair.

During Hurricane Harvey, Nancy’s home was flooded with nearly five feet of water. Two and a half years later, she was still left without walls and had to wash her dishes in her yard with a five gallon bucket. Every day, Nancy would wake up and see through her living room and into her kitchen from her bedroom.

Fortunately, her case was referred to us by a neighbor and we got to work as fast as we could.

Together with our wonderful volunteers and donors, we were able to repair the roof and replace siding, remediate the existing mold, and install new insulation, drywall, floors, trim, windows, doors, cabinets, bathrooms, and fixtures. This was one of our larger volunteer projects, with 166 volunteers putting in 3,386 hours of love and hard work into this home. The total cost for the repairs came to $39,993.

We are grateful for our time spent with Nancy these past few months and for the outpouring of support that went into this home. It may be hard to believe there are still families recovering from Hurricane Harvey, but the truth is there are stories like this all across the city. You could be the difference in bringing someone home. Your gifts and/or your time will provide safe, livable housing to a family in desperate need.

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