Three Years without Walls: Nancy's Story


For three years, Nancy could see her kitchen, living room, and bathroom from her bedroom. For thirty-six months, she has had to live without walls and wash her dishes outside in a five-gallon bucket.

This week marks three years since Hurricane Harvey devastated homes throughout Houston. For families like Nancy, recovery has been difficult to come by. The Restoration Team is immensely grateful to be able to work with Nancy to put her home back together. Her hospitality to us has been incredible. She has been a picture of resilience and her story fills us with hope.

Thank you to all of our supporters and friends that will make this transformation possible. Every dollar you give will help families like Nancy get one step closer to their pre-Harvey life.

Three years after Hurricane Harvey flooded her home, Nancy is still rebuilding. Listen to her story and how she was introduced to The Restoration Team.

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