The Restoration Team

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Mal's Rain Garden

Mal’s home was the 238th project The Restoration Team performed in September 2019. For this repair, we partnered with West Street Recovery, a similar home repair nonprofit operating in the Northeast side of Houston. We tried something new for Mal’s home - a rain garden! Rain gardens help with drainage if a home is particularly flood-prone. Our goal is for our repairs to be sustainable, so anything we can do to keep them dry in the long-term is a must.

Along with the rain garden, our wonderful volunteers mucked and gutted the flooded home and remediated the existing mold. West Street Recovery took it from there to get Mal home. We are fortunate to partner with other like-minded organizations doing good work. There have been several homes where we may do some parts and they may do others. One of our core values is “collaboration” because we all work better together.