Lloyce's Home

The Restoration Team completed Lloyce’s home in December 2019, our 247th family assisted.

Lloyce was forced to stack two couches on top of each other to stay dry before she was rescued from the Hurricane Harvey floods. The Restoration Team was introduced to Lloyce through her church, New Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist in the Kashmere Gardens neighborhood where her late husband served as the groundskeeper. Members of Lloyce's congregation served on the home alongside volunteers from all over the country until she was ready to move back in. In total, 132 volunteers worked for 3,879 hours on the repairs!

One of our favorite moments of the project was when over forty volunteers from five different congregations in the neighborhood came together one day after worship and breakfast to paint Lloyce's house a beautiful blue. Laughter and tears mixed with paint and sweat made for an incredible Saturday that we'll never forget.

With the help of our wonderful volunteers and donors, we were able to muck and gut the home, level the foundation, install a new roof, repair damaged siding, repair interior framing, upgrade the electric and plumbing, insulate, hang drywall, install laminate flooring, cabinets, and trim. The results were amazing!

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