The Restoration Team

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Karla's Home

“I can’t wait to get back into my house, it looks so much nicer than before the flood. I am so very thankful for The Restoration Team’s help. Everyone has been so nice and wonderful. I feel safe again. - Karla, TRT homeowner

Karla’s home was was one of our larger projects that we completed in March 2020, our 250th repair.

When we met Karla, she opened the parking lot of the auto parts store she managed for the distribution of recovery supplies for the community following Hurricane Harvey. Karla, her husband, and two granddaughters were flooded with three feet of standing water. Without flood insurance or payouts from FEMA, Karla and her family were left without answers or places to turn.

The generosity of our volunteers and supporters allowed us to do a full restoration of Karla’s home. Together we were able to muck and gut the home, remediate the mold, repair framing, replace siding, level the foundation and replace the roof, and install all new insulation, drywall, and floors, bathrooms, cabinets, and appliances.

92 volunteers spent 1,310 hours repairing this home. The total cost was $20,061.